This image is by East Tennessee Spine and Sport.

Coronavirus Update

With the growing concerns regarding the potential community spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), East Tennessee Spine and Sport is committed to maintaining a safe environment for our patients, visitors, and staff members. Currently, the CDC is not recommending any additional precautions within our healthcare setting beyond the normal practices performed to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses. Our clinics will remain open during normal clinic hours to treat our patients. As always, we will go above and beyond our usual practices to ensure the safety of everyone involved with our clinics.

We will, therefore, continue to do the following within the clinics:

  • Routinely wiping down all surfaces and equipment throughout the clinic;
  • Changing all linens and wipe down treatment tables between individual patients;
  • Washing hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds and/or thoroughly utilizing hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol between each patient interaction;
  • Covering noses and mouths if you cough or sneeze and instructing others to do so as well;
  • If you suspect yourself to be symptomatic, or if you can confirm direct contact with an individual testing positive for the Coronavirus (COVID-19), stay home.

In addition, Spine & Sport will be taking the following actions:

  • The Spine & Sport Maintenance/Fitness program will be suspended until Monday, April 6, 2020. Clinic access to fitness clients will be reconsidered at that time based on current CDC guidelines.
  • Additional sanitizing stations will be maintained at each clinic. The stations will include gloves and hand sanitizer for patients and staff members. Signage will be included requesting patients to wash their hands upon entry into the clinic and to utilize gloves if they desire while they are performing their therapy.
  • The waiting room chairs and clinic tables will be altered to create appropriate distances for patient and staff safety. We will be offering private treatment areas at our patient’s request.
  • Deep sanitization of all equipment and tables will be performed throughout the workday.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact one of our locations directly.

We will continue to make every effort to ensure that our patient’s health and safety remains our #1 priority. Thank you for your continued support, especially during this time.

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